Friday, February 3, 2012

You Can't Do Homework When You're Horny!

I had a Philosophy teacher in college tell us, "it's impossible to do math homework when you're horny." A catchy, and humorous way of  reminding us that some endeavors--like studying philosophy--demand PURE FOCUS.

I think this notion applies to anger.

You can't "do" running when you're angry!

Anger makes for lousy running.  And lousy living.  It's a distraction.  And it's corrosive.

Perhaps if we can't stop being horny (who would want to anyway, right?), maybe we CAN decide stop being angry--even if we have a right to be angry.

Angry at our boss.  Angry at our spouse.  Our ex-spouse.  Our kids, our parents, the teacher at school...the driver who forgot his turn signal.  All the little "slivers" of anger that slowly bleed us of our energy and focus on the track---and in our daily lives.

I have a friend whose son nearly set the family home aflame by burning ants on the back yard deck with a magnifying glass---a magnifying glass!  The energy of PURE FOCUS.

Instead of looking outward for the next super-vitamin or protein shake to boost our performance at work, at  home or on the track, perhaps we should consider looking INWARD.

And make a choice.

A choice to heal the "slivers."  A choice to let go of the anger and become that magnifying glass.  And regain the energy and pure focus.  In our running.  And in our lives.


1 comment:

  1. This is true! It'seasy to lose focus on what's important an focus to much on things of no anger.Alfred.
