Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Comfortably Numb

Why are we great STARTERS?

But lousy FINISHERS?

Great at dreaming?

Poor at executing?

Whether it's completing a diet, finishing a college degree, saving for retirement, or implementing a big project at work.

Why is it so hard to make big dreams like these actually HAPPEN?

I have a theory.

It's not that our life is too HARD.

It's that life is too easy...too COMFORTABLE.

Change--real change--requires a REASON for change.

A big, hairy and UNCOMFORTABLE reason.

Uncomfortable enough to get us off the couch, away from the refrigerator, out of the meeting and dreaming rooms and catapult us into ACTION.

Action that is consistent and resilient to keep us going when complacency creeps back in to stop our forward motion.

To paraphrase the Pink Floyd song, I think we have become "comfortably numb."

We're not happy with our jobs, our training, our weight, our finances and countless other things...

But we're not UN-happy enough to take action.

We are comfortably numb in mediocrity. 

But here is the rub....

By staying comfortably numb,  we tell ourselves that we may not be moving forward but at least we're not moving BACKWARDS.

But that would be wrong.

Being comfortably numb causes us do something far worse than make the conscious, and perhaps heroic, decision to quit.

It enables us to make the cowardly "non-decision" of INACTION.

To drift away...

To go out with a whisper...

So I say it's time for ACTION.

In our training, in our work, in our homes and in everything else we hold dear.

Let's stop being "comfortably numb."

And start playing a different tune.


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