Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Why Steve Irwin Could Have Taught Accounting

I really miss Steve Irwin.

I admit, his show, The Crocodile Hunter, was due south on the "sophistication scale"of Masterpiece Theatre on PBS.

But I loved the show.

And so did millions of others.

Irwin didn't just tell you the FACTS about a mean crocodile.

He would grab the beast by it's tail and tell you with a child-like exhuberance in how many seconds it could kill him---while keeping a smile!

You couldn't help but love the guy.

Like any good teacher, I think he really knew his subject.

And he was definitely a showman who knew how to please a crowd.

But I don't think it was his knowledge...

Or his ability to entertain....

That made him a great teacher.

I think Steve Irwin's greatness was in his ability to get you CARE about the subject before you LEARNED about the subject. 

He once said:

"I believe that education is all about being excited about something. Seeing passion and enthusiasm helps push an educational message."

As a community college instructor and as a parent, I'm always searching for better ways to communicate.

Be it the accounting equation to my students....

Or how to catch a trout with my 7-year old daughter...

But as any teacher knows...

And any parent knows....

This aint easy.

Today's students,  like today's children, have little patience for incompetence.

And simply KNOWING the subject matter isn't gonna impress them either.

The same goes for fancy PowerPoint presentations and slick videos as well.

I think Steve Irwin instinctively knew this.

He knew that a simple presentation delivered with the HEART, delivered more punch than a presentation delivered only with the BRAIN.

No matter the subject.

This is my first semester teaching students how to train for their first marathon.

As a former "bean-counter" I find myself resisting the urge to get too technical too soon....

Lactic throeshholds, VO2Max, simple carbs versus complex carbs.....

All very SMART information....

But then I contemplate what Steve Irwin would do...

He would first get them to CARE to run...

And THEN teach them HOW.

Just like he did with crocodiles.


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