Thursday, January 12, 2012

When the Janitor Conquers the CEO

The marathon is the ultimate class equalizer.  Come race day, the notion of reaping and sowing is absolute.  There are no shortcuts, there is no cheating, there are no excuses.  You see, 26.2 miles is simply too far to cheat or cut corners. The marathon asks, no, DEMANDS one thing, and only one thing:  did you put in the WORK?

The marathon does NOT care what color your skin is, nor the size of your bank account, nor how many degrees you have, nor your title at work.  The marathon has no prejudice.  It is the purest form of meritocracy.  And this is why the janitor will conquer the CEO on race day if the janitor put in the work and the CEO did not.
When  setting our 2012 goals this year, I think we need to keep in mind the metaphor of the marathon. What do our 2012 goals DEMAND of us?  Are we willing to make the number of calls to meet that sales goal, are we willing to do that extra credit assignment to earn the "A" instead of the "B", are we willing to get up 30 minutes earlier each morning to exercise and improve our health....are we willing to actually DO what that these goal DEMAND of us?


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