Thursday, April 24, 2014

Why the Tortoise REALLY Kicked the Hare's Butt.

You remember the story of the tortoise and the hare.

I bet you remember your teacher telling you the tortoise beat the hare because the hare got cocky and over confident.

And that his cockiness led to his demise in the race.

I remember learning that lesson too.

I think our teachers missed the REAL reason the tortoise kicked the hare's ass that day.

The hare was indeed cocky and a big jerk.

But his biggest failing was not his cockiness.

His biggest failure on the field that day was his inconsistent effort.

The tortoise was slow---and he probably had an ugly running outfit.

But he was consistent.

REALLY consistent.

He set a pace, maintained his pace, and didn't let his EGO disrupt his plan.

Even when he passed the hare.

He ran a steady race.

All the way to the finish line.

THAT is why the tortoise beat the hare my friends.

Because the tortoise focused on FINISHING strong instead of STARTING strong.

Because he knew starting is easy.

While finishing is hard.

So how about this...

Let's exchange fast and flashy failed starts.

For boring and steady but successful finishes.

Whether it's earning that degree...

...or starting that business...

...or training for that first marathon.

 Because boring and steady will whoop flashy and inconsistent all-day, every day.

Seven days a week.

Even in an ugly running outfit.


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