Sunday, November 4, 2012

No "Wrong" Weather

When I started running 12 years ago I learned a great mantra about winter training:

"There is no such thing as the WRONG weather, only the WRONG clothing. "

In other words,  if we only wait for sunny days to begin our training, we will never begin our training. 

In other words, don't wait for the weather to change.

WE must change to the weather.

I think this notion is a metphor for our non-running lives.

We wait to start that college degree.

We wait to start that business.

We wait to write that book.

We wait to start that diet.

We wait...

For so many reasons...

Until the weather changes.

Until the economy changes

Until our boss changes.
Until our amount of free-time changes.

The problem with waiting for these external things to change...

Is they may NEVER change.

Which means we'll never start the things we need to start.

When my running partner and I ran the Leadville 50 last Summer, we hoped for good weather.

But we also brought small backpacks--to carry our jackets, gloves, and hats.

Because when you are running for 13 hours at 12,000 feet, any, and I mean ANY kind of weather is possible.

So here is what I have found to be true:

Great living, like great running, is NOT about waiting for the weather or the economy or interest rates, or the politicians to change to begin the journey.

It's about putting on our "backpacks" and beginning the journey, and then mustering the strength and courage to continue DESPITE the weather, the interest rates, economy or whomever is in office.

Because, when you find the courage to take that first step forward...

And not first wait for OUTSIDE things to change.

Something really does begin to change.



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