Saturday, April 14, 2012


Webster's dictionary defines discipline as:

"orderly or prescribed conduct or pattern of behavior."

Great definition.

I think discipline is also applied commitment.

The willingness to continue doing the activities you need to do to achieve your goal...long after those activities are no longer fun to do.

Discipline is getting up at 5am for those training runs--every day--when you don't want to.

Discipline is doing the calculus homework--instead of watching the Bronco game.

Discipline is eating ONE slice of Hawaiian pizza--instead of three.

Discipline, coupled with ambition, is the bridge between dreaming a goal and achieving a goal.

It's the difference between dreaming about running a marathon--and running through the winter to be ready for it.

It's the difference between dreaming about losing 20 pounds--and electing the popsicle over the Ben and Jerry's ice cream to lose it.

It's the difference between wanting an "A" in Chemistry class--and turning off ESPN to to do the work to EARN the "A."

So like I said,  I like Mr. Webster's definition of discipline.

Because discipline is not about brains or talent.

But about behavior.

Behavior that can change the course of our lives.

And those around us.

And make big dreams into big realities.


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