When is it time to move on?
When is it time to move on from that project?
Or that job?
Or that exercise class?
Or even that relationship?
There are entire sections of bookstores that try and answer this question but I think the answer depends on an HONEST answer to two very specific questions:
1. Am I still CONTRIBUTING in a meaningful way?
2. Am I still RECEIVING in a meaningful way?
If the answer is "no" to both questions and every effort has been exhausted in trying to correct the situation, I think a course correction is the only solution.
We often stick with a job, a project, or even a diet or exercise plan out of COMFORT or GUILT. It's part of our daily routine despite the fact that we stopped adding and receiving value months or even years ago.
Each morning we get out of bed, make the coffee and feed ourselves the same lie we fed ourselves last week...or last year about why we need to keep at it when deep down we know the real truth.
The real truth is we cling to the COMFORT ZONE OF ROUTINE more than we cling to the UN-COMFORTABLE ZONE OF MOVING FORWARD.
Human beings are meant to move forward--like a boat.
Human beings are not meant to be stagnant in the marina so to speak. Just as a sailboat will collect barnacles and a rusty hull if left in the dock, so to will a human being atrophy and collect life's barnacles if not constantly challenged to contribute and press forward.
So I say we finally admit to the areas of our training and our lives that are collecting barnacles.
So we can clean them off and repair our hull.
To leave the marina.
And return to the sea.
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