Tuesday, February 7, 2012

You Can't Eat Chili With Chopsticks

I used to believe that humility was a sign of weakness.

I was wrong.

I now believe that humility is the foundation of CONFIDENCE.  Yes, confidence.

Confidence to admit that I don't know the answer--and gain wisdom.

Confidence to question my premises--and consider alternatives.

Confidence to ask for help--and not waste more time.

Humility--in it's purest form--recognizes that others have come before me and have traveled similar roads as I.  Roads full of danger that often lure one to meaningless side-roads resulting in lost years or decades in time and fortune.

I was recently at a potluck and overheard a mother exclaim to her toddler: "you can't eat chili with chopsticks!"  After a brief chuckle, it occurred to me that this is exactly what we adults foolishly attempt every day--to  eat chili with chopsticks! Instead of humbling ourselves and seeking the road well-traveled, we arrogantly set out on journeys to nowhere thinking we are conquering new territory or creating new standards. 

It is easy to mistake arrogance for confidence.

So how about this:  when we decide to train for that first marathon, or begin inking the business plan for that  proposed new business, or resolve to raise grateful children, perhaps the first step should be a change of heart.  A heart of humility.

Humility that creates confidence.  And wisdom.  To keep us from our own foolishness.  And trying to eat chili with chopsticks.


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